Every Day Is A Life Time
Marvin Luvualu Antonio and Raul Altosaar

8 September to 8 October 2016
Reception: Thursday September 8’th, 2016, from 6 - 11pm

Press release:

Robert Kananaj Gallery is thrilled to welcome “Every Day Is A Lifetime”: This initial residency project by Raul Altosaar immediately felt the presence at RKG, from the moment when Marvin Luvualu Antonio stepped into the collaboration. Both these artists have opened an unprecedented path to their own yet combined potential. 
Sky and earth signal a dialogue of their own to every one. The month-long residency included painting, filming, and performance art. The artists’ invitation concludes with whatever we are, by being open, being ourselves, vulnerable and curious. Every thing is a starting point. Raul’s and Marvin’s multimedia project and installation is a spring of desire to witness oneself.