Somethingchangeable, evolutionary—in a decisive way (to correct). And (then the second pair appears/disappears> as almost the same meaning as the first, but they can be slightly different, they can be completelyDifferennt.
13 February to 14 March
Reception: Friday 13, 4pm-7pm, 2015
That Was For This
François A. Côté, Stevie Ellis, Graeme Longland, Jounghwa No, danyil panasyev, Parminder Singh, Luke Smit, Naz Tahmaseb, Allie Tripp, Julian Van Deyl.
Envelopment (s) – Paths Taken and Not Taken
Esmaa Adam, Valerie Carew, Jay Irizawa, Wensi Li, Bindu Mehra, Amy Meleca, Yasemin Oncu, Ryan Pechnick, Eli Schwanz, Tamara Skubovius, Ashley Snook, Sandra Van Ruymbeke, Kimberley White, Jennifer Wigmore, Richard Williams, Garnet Willis w/ Max Streicher
Spring 2015 group exhibition
Etude to Asylum
ETUDE TO ASYLUM is an Istvan Kantor state. Although since 2005, Kantor has created large installations and performances in contemporary art around the world.
Last Moments
This is the second solo exhibition at RKG by Silvia Argiolas. Her sense of the moment within her painting-like drawings, are rooted in the blinks of life experiences.
RKG Fourth Anniversary
The fourth year is like the fourth season, completing the gallery’s cycle. A landmark year in the gallery’s journey. The openness and the unpredictability are our gallery’s vital signs. We have embraced from the beginning the outsider within.
“Wonder”: This is the second solo exhibition of Lula Motra at RKG, with installation, drawings, embroidery, and sculptures.
Tribute “Art Fair” RKG 2016
Robert Kananaj Gallery is thrilled with the response to the “Every Day Is A Lifetime”: This initial residency project by Raul Altosaar immediately felt the presence, from the moment when Marvin Luvualu Antonio stepped into the collaboration.