Times of Reflection

Robert Kananaj

Sculpture, installation and more

30 April, 2022 - 30 July, 2022

PRESS RELEASE - for immediate release

Over the past two years, the ongoing pandemic and now the war in Ukraine, encouraged us at RKG to reconsider much that had been taken for granted.  After ten years' continuous work, the forced closure of public spaces starting in 2020 became an invitation to Robert Kananaj the artist to step into his own practice of sculpture and installations with two consecutive exhibitions, "Local Light",  and the current "Times of Reflection".  The artist who opened the gallery in service of other artists in the community and abroad, now himself becomes part of the gallery's journey. 

Since its inception in 2011, the gallery has been reflecting on art, community, and the community of art. Robert, an artist looking for studio space in those less threatening times, felt a call to serve the community as a gallerist, to reflect the pulse of energy generated in the art scene locally and beyond; and so RKG was born.

Before the pandemic galleries could emphasize and highlight the chosen work of a few select artists in spaces given in service to that mission. Nowadays that is a luxurious model, and we have seen this with galleries and art institutions all over the city.