Silvia Argiolas

Last Moments

June 11 to July 11, 2015

Reception: Thursday June 11, 2015, 4 - 7 pm
This is the second solo exhibition at RKG by Silvia Argiolas. Her sense of the moment within her painting-like drawings, are rooted in the blinks of life experiences. They are casual, suggestive, restless. Silvia paints as seamlessly as life lived first-hand, spontaneously.
Silvia Argiolas was born in Cagliari, Sardinia in 1977. Lives and works in Milan.
Studied at Liceo Artistico Foiso Fois in Cagliari
2008 - "Arrivi e partenze" at Mole Vanvitelliana di Ancona, curated by Alberto Fiz and Walter Gasperoni.
Participant from the beginning of Allarmi 4 alla Caserma De Cristoforis in Como.